7 Elements to run 44Con Burp Suite Workshop
Our Principal Security Consultant Marc Wickenden will be hosting a workshop at the “UK’s permier information security conference and training event” – 44Con – next week in London. The two hour practical workshop “Burp Plugin Development for Java n00bs” will be run on either Thursday or Friday in the Technical Workshop Track.
Highlevel Outline
Burp Suite stands out as the de-facto attack proxy for web application assessments. Part of its power lies in the Burp Extender interface which allows “developers” to extend Burp’s functionality, including reading and modifying runtime data and configuration, trigger key actions such as Burp Scanner or extend the Burp user interface itself with custom menus and windows.
“That’s great, but I’m not a developer, I’m a webapp tester and I want the goodness too”
This practical workshop will take you from zero to hero even if you’ve never coded a line of Java in your life. Through some basic hands-on examples I will guide you through the process of getting your machine ready for coding, the key features of Burp Extender and how to use it to solve some real world web application testing scenarios.
A rough agenda for the workshop is as follows:
- The problem Burp Extender solves
- Getting ready
- Introduction to the Eclipse IDE
- Burp Extender Hello World!
- Manipulating runtime data
- Decoding a custom encoding scheme
- “Shelling out” to other scripts
- Limitations of Burp Extender
- Examples of really cool Burp plugins to fire your imagination
Those looking to attend will require:
- Laptop running Windows 7 (or OSX/Linux but I won’t be demonstrating with/troubleshooting these) with WiFi capability. VM is fine, if not preferred)
- Java Runtime Environment 6 or above
- Burp Suite 1.4 and above (Professional preferred but Free will be ok)
- Administrator rights to the machine as they will need to install software (supplied on USB stick)
- Some programming experience with other languages is assumed. My background is in Bash, Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby if that helps to guage your own capabilities.
Any questions relating to the workshop, requirements and topics can be sent via Twitter (@7Elements) or by email to our usual address [email protected].
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Seven Elements authored by Marc Wickenden (@marcwickenden). Read the original post at: http://blog.7elements.co.uk/2012/08/7-elements-to-run-44con-burp-suite.html