How a process model can help bring security into software development
Very good article about SSDLC (Security Enhanced Software Development LifeCycle). It should be mandatory reading for promoters of SSDLC initiatives within organizations. This article (third in the series on the secure software lifecycle) captures some of my previous work around the concept of the (SSF) Software Security Framework. The SSF was conceived as framework to integrate security within the (SDLC) Software Development Lifecycle as well as with existing information security and risk management processes. The idea of the SSF originated in 2005 while working with clients of Foundstone (the security consulting company that was acquired by McAfee in 2004) mostly financial institutions and telcos and presented at Blackhat USA Conference in 2006.
Software Security Framework |
In general, I have to give credit to the idea of the SSF to the CISOs that I worked for back then as consultant like Mr. Denis Verdon. I also have to thank Mr. Joe Jarzombeck PMP Director Of Software Assurance at the National Cyber Security Division at the Department Of Homeland Security (DHS) for capturing my contributions in the first SSDLC DHS document as well as the SMEs such as Mrs. Karen Mercedes Goertzel at the IATAC (Information Assurance Technology Analysis Center) to document the SSF in the 2007 State of The Art Report of Software Assurance. More recently the idea of SSF evolved thanks to the work of Dr Gary McGraw CTO of Cigital in the context of software security maturity models as framework of software assurance best practices within software maturity model domains
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Writing Secure Software authored by Unknown. Read the original post at: