Cooking up digital privacy, indecent (data) exposure, and just another zero-day | Synopsys

Cooking up digital privacy, indecent (data) exposure, and just another zero-day

Taylor Armerding, Synopsys Software Integrity Group senior strategist, gives you the scoop on application security and insecurity in this week’s Security Mashup. What’s in this week’s Security Mashup, you ask? Cook calls ...
For sale: voter data, ‘unbowed’ by Florence or ransomware, and binding email security | Synopsys

For sale: voter data, ‘unbowed’ by Florence or ransomware, and binding email security

Taylor Armerding, Synopsys Software Integrity Group senior strategist, gives you the scoop on application security and insecurity in this week’s Security Mashup. What’s in this week’s Security Mashup, you ask? Voter records ...
Remote robbery, an ‘IT incident’ (not a breach?), and face-off on privacy | Synopsys

Remote robbery, an ‘IT incident’ (not a breach?), and face-off on privacy

Taylor Armerding, Synopsys Software Integrity Group senior strategist, gives you the scoop on application security and insecurity in this week’s Security Mashup. What’s in this week’s Security Mashup, you ask? Remote robbery ...
Open season on open source, Infinite Campus limited by DDoS, and Mojave’s a bad apple | Synopsys

Open season on open source, Infinite Campus limited by DDoS, and Mojave’s a bad apple

Taylor Armerding, Synopsys Software Integrity Group senior strategist, gives you the scoop on application security and insecurity in this week’s Security Mashup. What’s in this week’s Security Mashup, you ask? It’s open ...
Porous portals, Newegg is a broken egg, and Mirai's creators have new hats | Synopsys

Porous portals, Newegg is a broken egg, and Mirai’s creators have new hats

Taylor Armerding, Synopsys Software Integrity Group senior strategist, gives you the scoop on application security and insecurity in this week’s Security Mashup. What’s in this week’s Security Mashup, you ask? Porous payment ...
Tesla key fob issues,Tor Browser zero-day woes and you've got malware | Synopsys

Tesla key fob issues, Tor Browser zero-day woes, and you’ve got malware!

Taylor Armerding, Synopsys Software Integrity Group senior strategist, gives you the scoop on application security and insecurity in this week’s Security Mashup. What’s in this week’s Security Mashup, you ask? Dude, don’t ...
CamuBot malware, SonarSnoop hacking and government backdoors | Synopsys

CamuBot malware, SonarSnoop hacking, and government backdoors

Taylor Armerding, Synopsys Software Integrity Group senior strategist, gives you the scoop on application security and insecurity in this week’s Security Mashup. What’s in this week’s Security Mashup, you ask? CamuBot malware ...
Fixing the CVE program, your personal data checking out and taking flight | Synopsys

Fixing the CVE program, your personal data checking out and taking flight

Taylor Armerding, Synopsys Software Integrity Group senior strategist, gives you the scoop on application security and insecurity in this week’s Security Mashup. What’s in this week’s Security Mashup, you ask? Fixing the ...
A test hack, don't let Ghostscript haunt you, and a helpful hacker | Synopsys

A test hack, don’t let Ghostscript haunt you, and a helpful hacker

Taylor Armerding, Synopsys Software Integrity Group senior strategist, gives you the scoop on application security and insecurity in this week’s Security Mashup. What’s in this week’s Security Mashup, you ask? Not a ...
Weekly Security Mashup - August 7, 2018 | Synopsys

Lock the vote, ‘Spamalot’ returns, and SamSam ransomware

Taylor Armerding, Synopsys Software Integrity Group senior strategist, gives you the scoop on application security and insecurity in this week’s Security Mashup. What’s in this week’s Security Mashup, you ask? Lock the ...

Application Security Check Up