use case strobes asm

Use Case: Rapid Identification and Escalation of a Critical Threat by Strobes ASM

| | ASM, Strobes ASM, use case
Introduction In a recent critical incident, Strobes ASM, an attack surface management platform, played a key role in identifying and mitigating a severe threat in a custom-made WordPress application. The... The post ...
September 2023 updates to the Noetic platform include the Unified Data Model. Users can explore asset data based on a wide range of types—machines, software, vulnerabilities, networks, users, business applications, cloud accounts, etc

Leveraging Machine Learning in Cyber Asset Inventory

In our recent product announcement, we introduced new capabilities designed to help security teams to better understand and interpret the security data they have. Data accuracy and consistency is a common challenge ...
When asked at which phase in the M&A lifecycle that cyber assessment occurs, most respondent report that it happens pre-deal.

5 Ways to Leverage CAASM Throughout the M&A Lifecycle

| | Blog, CAASM, use case
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are pivotal moments in today’s fast-paced business environment, marking significant transitions and growth opportunities for organizations. According to research from PwC, there were 27,003 M&A transactions completed worldwide ...
Image of Noetic's new Unified Model Explorer

Unified Model Explorer: A Deep Dive into Cyber Assets & Relationships

| | Blog, graph, Noetic, use case
Last week, we introduced the new Noetic Unified Model Explorer. Now, we’re eager to guide you through its capabilities. Read on to gain a comprehensive understanding of its application and learn how ...

Cybersecurity > Compliance: Safeguarding critical infrastructure in the digital age

In this blog, we embark on a journey through the intricate realm of cybersecurity within critical infrastructure. As we navigate this multifaceted landscape, we’ll explore the unique challenges it presents, and the ...
Types of Threat Modeling

Threat Modeling Unveiled: Enhancing Security in the Digital Age

In the fast-paced digital landscape, security breaches and data compromises have become prevalent. To counter these threats, organizations are turning to a powerful technique known as threat modeling. This blog explores the ...
SIP Connection Structure

VoIP Uncovered: A Guide to Services, Infrastructure Setup, and Reconnaissance

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has revolutionized voice communication by enabling calls over the Internet. It offers cost-effective solutions and is widely used in customer care services. In this first part of ...
Average cost of a data breach in the United States from 2006 to 2022 in USD.

Cyber Insurance: What to know when applying for (or renewing) coverage 

With businesses dominated by technology and interconnectedness, the pervasive threat of cybercrime has become larger–and costlier– than ever before. By the end of the year, the total cost of cybercrime is predicted ...
How the City of Phoenix Rapidly Modernized its Cybersecurity Defenses

How the City of Phoenix Rapidly Modernized its Cybersecurity Defenses

The City of Phoenix’s cybersecurity leaders, Shannon Lawson and Mitch Kohlbecher, have been at the forefront of adopting new technology to solve the fundamental problem perplexing cybersecurity leaders everywhere: how can we ...
How Top Security Teams Leverage Open Source: Nick Reva at Snap on OSS

The Power of Open-Source Security: A Deep Dive

Open-source software (OSS) is increasingly becoming foundational to security strategies for cutting-edge security teams. In a recent webinar hosted by Sandeep Lahane, co-founder and CEO of Deepfence, Nick Reva, Snap’s Head of ...