Rolling Out the Red Carpet

Your customer has been won over by your superior technology and has placed an order. It is an exciting time with high levels of interaction and everyone involved is in a positive ...

Making Your Customer the Hero

| | Mark's Remarks
Why do some deployment plans not work out as well as hoped? One or more of the following ‘ingredients’ was likely missing: Speaking the same language does not equate to a common ...

Google Maps and PII Repositories

| | Mark's Remarks
I’m a bit like an elephant. My long-term memory is excellent, my short-term, not so much. Which is good, because I remember fondly hiking as a kid on hikes that were became ...

Privacy Laws – Achieving and Maintaining Compliance

| | Mark's Remarks
I relish the moment when someone says to me “It’s not like the regulations say that I must find every last entity. So why do I need to discover where my data ...

It’s Your Right. Do it Right.

| | Mark's Remarks
You know the feeling, the one that is a nagging doubt, that itch that won’t quieten down? You know, when you’ve just pulled an all nighter to finish the project by the ...