Mastering X and Twitter Takedowns: How to Handle Brand Impersonations

Mastering X and Twitter Takedowns: How to Handle Brand Impersonations

Table of Contents Distinguishing brand impersonations in the world of X/Twitter can sometimes be perplexing. Unlike LinkedIn, which enforces more stringent measures against misrepresentation, X tends to take a more flexible stance ...
A workflow demonstrating Smart SOAR's integration with iZOOlogic

Why Smart SOAR is the Best SOAR for iZOOlogic

The collaboration between Smart SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response) and iZOOlogic offers a comprehensive solution to protect your brand from imposters. This integration spotlight explains how the integration between Smart SOAR ...
iOS sideloading & alternative app stores: Preparing for increased brand risk this March

iOS sideloading & alternative app stores: Preparing for increased brand risk this March

In March 2024 (less than 30 days), Apple’s iOS 17.4 will for the first time ever allow iOS sideloading or the download of iOS apps from alternative app stores other than the ...
5 Free Online Brand Protection Software Tools: Pros and Cons

5 Free Online Brand Protection Software Tools: Pros and Cons

Online brand impersonation attacks threaten businesses large and small, but do brands really need to open their wallets to protect themselves? The answer might be more complicated than you’d think. Free or ...
5 Free Online Brand Protection Software Tools: Pros and Cons

5 Free Online Brand Protection Software Tools: Pros and Cons

| | brand protection
Online brand impersonation attacks threaten businesses large and small, but do brands really need to open their wallets to protect themselves? The answer might be more… ...
Bing Ads & Malvertising: Fighting Search Engine Phishing Ads

Bing Ads & Malvertising: Fighting Search Engine Phishing Ads

| | brand protection, spoofing
Fraudulent search engine advertising does not stop with Google. Brands should also consider Bing ads as an attack vector for malvertising ...
Exclusive Report: The State of Online Consumer Brand Impersonations in 2023

Exclusive Report: The State of Online Consumer Brand Impersonations in 2023

| | brand protection, spoofing
There’s no denying the importance of online sales to retail and other consumer-facing brands. Forecasts predict worldwide e-commerce sales will grow 56% in the coming years… ...
Outsmarting Email Filters: Scammers’ Latest Strategies

Outsmarting Email Filters: Scammers’ Latest Strategies

| | brand protection, scam
Scammers are having a hard time getting into consumers’ inboxes these days. Consequently, they are adapting and diversifying their methods – employing innovative technology alongside retro… ...
Using LLM’s for Heightened Cybersecurity: Supercharging Automated Takedowns With GPT

Using LLM’s for Heightened Cybersecurity: Supercharging Automated Takedowns With GPT

It takes a lot to surprise engineers working on AI, and have them call something magical. ChatGPT stands tall as one of those inventions. OpenAI unlocked a new world of truly, cognitive, ...
Addressing Executive & Social Media Impersonation: Protecting Leaders That Lack an Online Presence

Addressing Executive & Social Media Impersonation: Protecting Leaders That Lack an Online Presence

Recently, a number of brands have approached our threat response team about fake social media accounts impersonating executives at their companies. Scammers impersonating an executive on… ...