ZeekWeek 2019: 5 Things Network Security Pros Should Know about Zeek

As the annual ZeekWeek conference kicks off – here are X things network security professionals should know about Zeek ...
Threat Hunting Using 16th-Century Math and Sesame Street

Make it Harder to Hide: 3 Techniques for Conducting Threat Hunting at Scale

The law of large numbers theorem facilitates threat hunting at scale on large networks because it isolates unusual activity and network anomalies ...

5 Fundamentals for Mitigating the Risk of Laterally Spreading Malware

The persistent risk of laterally spreading malware requires good execution of network security fundamentals including segmentation and internal instrumentation ...
Bricata - Network Threat Hunting Simplified

The Top 10 Network Security Challenges in 2019

Most security professionals say network security is harder this year when compared to last year – according to a survey we recently conducted ...
Profiling And Detecting All Things SSL With JA3 - John Althouse and Jeff Atkinson

Network Visibility: Can You Analyze Encrypted Traffic for Cybersecurity Threats?

We get this question a lot: Can you analyze encrypted traffic for cyber threats? It just came up again during the question and ...