behavior detection
ZeekWeek 2019: 5 Things Network Security Pros Should Know about Zeek
As the annual ZeekWeek conference kicks off – here are X things network security professionals should know about Zeek ...

Make it Harder to Hide: 3 Techniques for Conducting Threat Hunting at Scale
The law of large numbers theorem facilitates threat hunting at scale on large networks because it isolates unusual activity and network anomalies ...
5 Fundamentals for Mitigating the Risk of Laterally Spreading Malware
The persistent risk of laterally spreading malware requires good execution of network security fundamentals including segmentation and internal instrumentation ...

The Top 10 Network Security Challenges in 2019
Most security professionals say network security is harder this year when compared to last year – according to a survey we recently conducted ...

Network Visibility: Can You Analyze Encrypted Traffic for Cybersecurity Threats?
We get this question a lot: Can you analyze encrypted traffic for cyber threats? It just came up again during the question and ...