Why Application Segmentation is a Business Essential

Why is application segmentation so important for solid cybersecurity protection? Application segmentation plays a crucial role in organizational cybersecurity for several compelling reasons. Individually segmenting our numerous applications involves dividing a network’s ...

How to Implement Micro-Segmentation

How to implement micro-segmentation best practices simply and effectively Protecting critical assets against sophisticated threats requires innovative strategies. Among these, micro-segmentation stands out as a pivotal approach, enhanced security for remote work ...

Essential Business Continuity Requires Application Resilience

For organizations playing a crucial role in infrastructure and the economy, application resilience is a necessity  When the links of financial institutions or energy providers are pivotal to the economy and critical ...

What is Nano-Segmentation?

What makes nano-segmentation different, and how can organizations leverage nano-segmentation for the best cybersecurity practices? Nano segmentation is a cybersecurity concept that goes beyond traditional microsegmentation, delving deeper into granular security controls ...

Debunking the Myths of Microsegmentation

What are the common myths behind microsegmentation, and is it actually as hard to achieve as some people say?  The history of network segmentation is a complicated one with a plethora of ...

Enabling More Efficient Application Load Balancing

Optimizing application load balancing isn’t the principal benefit of network microsegmentation, but it significantly helps applications in a network operate at peak performance  Application load balancing distributes incoming network traffic or application ...

Finding Application Whitelisting Solutions

Rethinking security: the essential elements of effective application whitelisting solutions  As digital threats continue to evolve seemingly exponentially, with new threats knocking at the door of organizations daily, application whitelisting solutions in ...

Benefits of Applying an Application Whitelisting Solution

Four enterprise-wide benefits of implementing an application whitelisting solution Application whitelisting is a proactive security technique that dictates which applications are permitted to run on a system, while blocking all others by ...

The Power of Ring-Fencing Legacy Applications

Legacy applications are a minefield, but why ringfence them instead of updating or decommissioning them? Legacy applications often play critical roles in an organization’s operations. They may contain business-critical functions or data ...

Why is Application Behavioral Mapping so Important?

Applications are the backbone of almost every business operation. From communication and collaboration to financial transactions, applications are the primary means of carrying out essential functions. However, with the increasing complexity of ...