2024 IT Risk and Compliance Benchmark Report Findings: Why Unifying Risk and Compliance Work Is No Longer Optional

2024 IT Risk and Compliance Benchmark Report Findings: Why Unifying Risk and Compliance Work Is No Longer Optional

Each year, we ask over 1,000 IT and GRC professionals about their priorities for the coming year and operational aspects, like changes to budgets, staffing, challenges, and much more. What we found ...

Get Clean, Stay Clean, Optimize – The Cure for Distressed IGA Deployments

Gartner recently released a report titled “Avoid These Top 5 Mistakes When Deploying IGA” by analyst Brian Guthrie. In the report, Gartner estimates that 50% of IGA deployments are in “distress.” The ...
generative AI security, Microsoft AI cybersecurity

Embrace Generative AI for Security, But Use Caution

Generative AI will be a net positive for security, but with a large caveat: It could make security teams dangerously complacent ...
Security Boulevard
data, compliance, audit Box data security, management, organizations, GDPR, Strike Force privacy, vendors, RFPs, cloud, data security DLP Iran DUMPS Conti Hackers Sandbox government HackerOne IBM data security

Cybersecurity a Top Priority for Audit Committees

Audit committees consider cybersecurity their primary oversight focus as the SEC enforces tougher cyberattack disclosure regulations ...
Security Boulevard

Log Formatting Best Practices for Improved Security

In the event of a security breach, logs play a crucial role in understanding the ...
The Splunk Platform

Splunk, Azure, or Sentinel for FedRAMP/NIST Compliance

| | Compliance
Whenever a business wants to work with the federal government, they are going to have to comply with certain frameworks to guarantee that, as part of the federal supply chain, it is ...
A green worm on a juicy red apple

Apple M-Series FAIL: GoFetch Flaw Finds Crypto Keys

GoFAIL: Researchers worm their way into broken cache-filling microcode in most Macs and iPads ...
Security Boulevard
Fueling Efficiency and Safety with FireMon

Fueling Efficiency and Safety with FireMon

| | Compliance
Fueling Efficiency and Safety with FireMon The High Stakes of Network Security in Oil & Gas The FireMon Approach: Fortifying Oil & Gas Cyber Networks Why FireMon Excels in Oil & Gas ...