Hacking and Hardening Kubernetes Clusters by Example [I] - Brad Geesaman, Symantec

Kubernetes: Master Post

| | Cloud, devoops, Hacking, Kubernetes, pentesting
I have a few Kubernetes posts queued up and will make this the master post to index and give references for the topic. If i'm missing blog posts or useful resources ping me here or twitter.Talks you should watch if you are interested in Kubernetes:Hacking and Hardening Kubernetes Clusters by ... Read More

Kubernetes: kube-hunter.py etcd

| | Cloud, devoops, Hacking, Kubernetes, pentesting
I mentioned in the master post one a few auditing tools that exist. Kube-Hunter is one that is pretty ok. You can use this to quickly scan for multiple kubernetes issues.Example run:$ ./kube-hunter.pyChoose one of the options below:1. Remote scanning (scans one or more specific IPs or DNS names)2. Subnet ... Read More
Kubernetes: open etcd

Kubernetes: open etcd

| | Cloud, devoops, Hacking, Kubernetes, pentesting
Quick post on Kubernetes and open etcd (port 2379)"etcd is a distributed key-value store. In fact, etcd is the primary datastore of Kubernetes; storing and replicating all Kubernetes cluster state. As a critical component of a Kubernetes cluster having a reliable automated approach to its configuration and management is imperative."-from: ... Read More
I found a GCP service account token...now what?

I found a GCP service account token…now what?

| | Cloud, devoops, gcp, Hacking, pentesting
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is rapidly growing in popularity and i haven't seen too many posts on f**king it up so I'm going to do at least one :-)Google has several ways to do authentication but most likely what you are going to come across shoved into code somewhere or ... Read More
AWS EC2 instance userData

AWS EC2 instance userData

| | aws, Cloud, ec2, pentesting
In the effort to get me blogging again I'll be doing a few short posts to get the juices flowing (hopefully).Today I learned about the userData instance attribute for AWS EC2. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-metadata.htmlIn general I thought metadata was only things you can hit from WITHIN the instance via the metadata url: ... Read More