The Norsk Hydro LockerGoga ransomware cyber attack
Norsk Hydro ASA, one of the largest aluminium companies worldwide, has fallen victim to a severe cyber attack. In a press release on March 19, 2019, the Norwegian-based company announced, "Hydro became victim of an extensive cyber-attack in the early hours of Tuesday (CET) [March 19, 2019], impacting operations in ... Read More

The Norsk Hydro LockerGoga ransomware cyber attack
Norsk Hydro ASA, one of the largest aluminium companies worldwide, has fallen victim to a severe cyber attack. In a press release on March 19, 2019, the Norwegian-based company announced, "Hydro became victim of an extensive cyber-attack in the early hours of Tuesday (CET) [March 19, 2019], impacting operations in ... Read More

The Norsk Hydro ransomware attack: An in-depth look
Norsk Hydro ASA, one of the largest aluminium companies worldwide, has fallen victim to a severe cyber attack. In a press release on March 19, 2019, the Norwegian-based company announced, "Hydro became victim of an extensive cyber-attack in the early hours of Tuesday (CET) [March 19, 2019], impacting operations in ... Read More

The Norsk Hydro Lockergoga Ransomware Cyber Attack
Norsk Hydro ASA, one of the largest aluminium companies worldwide, has fallen victim to a severe cyber attack. In a press release on March 19, 2019, the Norwegian-based company announced, "Hydro became victim of an extensive cyber-attack in the early hours of Tuesday (CET) [March 19, 2019], impacting operations in ... Read More