Black Duck audits reporting update: Streamlined view of risks and remediation steps
New Synopsys Black Duck® engagement summary report summarizes a breadth of insights across all domains of software due diligence.
Introducing the new engagement summary report
Synopsys is offering a new Black Duck® audit report that summarizes the breadth of insights across all domains of software due diligence. Get key findings for each software risk category, along with potential remediation next steps, in a concise format.
Software due diligence has evolved
Starting in the early 2000s, Black Duck audits offered a service that identified open source and third-party components in an application and assessed the associated licensing and security risk of them. Since then, our offerings have evolved and expanded. Today, we provide a comprehensive range of services covering the breadth and depth of software due diligence.
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Application Security Blog authored by Emmanuel Tournier. Read the original post at: