The Battle Against Business Logic Attacks: Why Traditional Security Tools Fall Short
As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so do the tactics utilized by bad actors that are seeking to exploit application vulnerabilities. Among the most insidious types of attacks are business logic attacks (BLAs). Unlike known attacks, which can be identified by signatures or patterns, such as SQL injection attacks, BLAs target the core functionality and decision-making processes within an application. By copying legitimate traffic behaviors and tailoring an attack to the logic of an application, BLAs often evade traditional security measures, making them a significant risk to application security. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind the difficulty in detecting BLAs using traditional security tools and explore proactive measures businesses can take to protect themselves.
The Limitations of Traditional Security Tools Against Business Logic Attacks
1. The Signature Dilemma: Why BLAs Lack Known Signatures
BLAs are unique to each application and its specific logic, making it difficult for traditional security tools to have predefined signatures or patterns that can detect such an attack. Unlike well-known malware or network attacks, BLAs can vary significantly across different applications, rendering signature-based detection ineffective.
For instance, a banking application may have specific workflows for fund transfers or loan approvals. Attackers who understand this logic can manipulate these workflows and route the funds to their own bank account. Since this attack exploits the logic of the banking application, it does not have a predefined signature, meaning that this attack would bypass signature-based security tools.
Solution: Conduct thorough and frequent security testing and code reviews to identify potential vulnerabilities within the application’s logic. Ideally, security testing and code reviews should be done before new functionality is deployed to a production environment. Additionally, employ techniques such as runtime application self-protection (RASP) or interactive application security testing (IAST) that can analyze and identify vulnerabilities within the application’s logic in real-time.
2. The Contextual Challenge: Understanding Business Logic Attacks
Signature-based security tools, such as traditional Web Application Firewalls (WAFs), typically rely on known patterns or signatures of attacks. However, BLAs heavily rely on understanding and exploiting the specific logic of an application, making them highly context-dependent. By manipulating legitimate user interactions, attackers can blend in with normal traffic, making it challenging for traditional tools to differentiate between malicious and legitimate actions.
For example, an e-commerce website may experience a business logic attack where an attacker exploits the application’s shopping cart functionality by adding a large number of high-value items. This attack exhausts inventory and causes financial loss to the business. Since the attacker’s actions appear legitimate, traditional security tools may not raise any red flags.
Solution: Implement anomaly detection techniques that focus on monitoring deviations from expected behavior, such as flagging when a user adds a large quantity of high-value items to their cart. By establishing baselines for normal user behavior and analyzing anomalies, businesses can identify suspicious activities that may indicate business logic attacks.
3. The Complexity of Interactions: How BLAs Operate
BLAs involve a series of complex, intricate interactions within an application. By exploiting an application’s legitimate functionalities, bad actors can carry out an attack under the guise of being a genuine user. Signature-based tools primarily focus on individual security events and isolated anomalies, lacking the ability to correlate events across multiple stages or components of an application’s workflow. As a result, the true intent behind an attacker’s malicious interactions goes undetected until it’s too late.
For example, a ride-sharing application may be vulnerable to BLAs that manipulate fare calculation logic in order to pay significantly less for a trip. These attacks are intricate; they involve interactions between user inputs, pricing algorithms, and payment gateways, making them challenging to detect through traditional security tools that evaluate each of these interactions/events separately.
Solution: Employ behavior-based analysis techniques that can identify abnormal patterns or sequences of actions within an application’s workflows. By understanding the expected behavior of an application and employing anomaly detection algorithms, businesses can detect and flag suspicious interactions that indicate potential BLAs.
4. The Absence of External Indicators: How BLAs Evade Detection
BLAs typically do not contain known external indicators that signature-based tools rely upon, such as network traffic anomalies or known malicious IP addresses. Instead, they exploit the internal workings and vulnerabilities that are specific to an application’s logic. Consequently, traditional security tools that solely rely on these types of indicators may overlook these attacks.
For example, attackers may utilize legitimate user accounts to perform unauthorized actions within an application, such as manipulating an API call to gain access to other user accounts. Like previous examples, this attack would evade traditional security measures designed to identify external threats.
Solution: Implement strong access controls and authentication mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access to critical application functionalities. Regularly monitor user activity, flagging suspicious behaviors such as sudden changes in behavior patterns, unusual access attempts, or unauthorized actions.
5. The False Positive Problem: The Limitations of Signature-Based Security Tools
When used to evaluate BLAs, traditional security tools fall short. Since these tools lack insight into the application logic, it’s difficult to create alerts that accurately identify BLAs. Typically, these tools are only able to alert on deviations from expected application behavior. While deviations could indicate a BLA, additional analysis is required to determine if this is an attack or something more benign. Legitimate user actions, system glitches, or changes in business requirements can also cause deviations, resulting in a high number of false positive alerts. Investigating these false positives is time-consuming and resource-intensive for security teams; they create alert fatigue and make it more difficult to distinguish genuine attacks from false alarms.
Solution: Implement intelligent alerting mechanisms that leverage machine learning algorithms to reduce false positives. By leveraging historical data, contextual information, and user behavior analytics, businesses can prioritize and investigate potential business logic attacks efficiently.
Proactive Measures Against Business Logic Attacks
Business logic attacks pose a significant challenge to traditional security tools due to their contextual nature, lack of known signatures, complex interactions, absence of external indicators, and high false positive rates. To effectively defend against these attacks, businesses must adopt a proactive and multi-layered security approach combining Web Application Firewall, Bot Protection and API Security. By recognizing the limitations of traditional security tools and implementing these proactive measures, businesses can enhance their defenses and better protect themselves against the ever-evolving threat landscape posed by BLAs.
The post The Battle Against Business Logic Attacks: Why Traditional Security Tools Fall Short appeared first on Blog.
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Blog authored by Kelsey Winiarski. Read the original post at: https://www.imperva.com/blog/business-logic-attacks-traditional-tools-shortcomings/