Driving Innovation to Position Your Security Program as a Strategic Business Advantage

Corporate security teams are facing a pivotal moment where the increasing threat volume is surpassing traditional approaches for mitigation. While it’s clear transformation is now a necessity to keep pace with the threat landscape, security leaders are faced with the challenge of unlocking their team’s capacity for innovation while adding value to their organization.

In a recent webinar, ‘How to Turn Your Security Program Into a Strategic Business Advantage,’ Ontic’s Chief Security Officer, Charles Randolph, sat down with CEO and Founder of The Clarity Factory, Rachel Briggs, OBE, and Vice President of Safety and Security at Capital One, Arian Avila, to discuss these challenges. They shed light on the current threat landscape and ways security teams can transform to meet the emerging needs of their business to position their program as a strategic advantage to the organization.

What are some of the latest emerging threats and trends in the security landscape that security leaders should keep an eye on? 

Would you say the current landscape amplifies the need for innovation in a security program? What are some ways security leaders can easily start innovating?

Why is having a team with a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives important for driving innovation and improving business outcomes?

How do you consider technology as a force multiplier in your program?  

What do executives care about when it comes to security? How can security leaders align their priorities with the C-Suite’s concerns?

To watch the full webinar, ‘How to Turn Your Security Program into a Strategic Business Advantage,’ click here.

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*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Blog Archive - Ontic authored by Ontic. Read the original post at: