Video: 5 Ps to Start Quantitative Risk Management – No 5 Performance

Dashboard - RPMs - Performance in Quantitative Risk ManagementHow does an organization assess the value of a FAIR-based quantitative cyber risk management program? In this short video, RiskLens Regional Sales Director Joe Vinck covers #5 of the 5 P’s, the phases of a successful launch of a FAIR quantitative program—Performance – and describes how RiskLens sets up customers to meet their performance goals.

The 5 P’s to Start Quantitative Risk Management

  1. Purpose

  2. People

  3. Platform

  4. Process

  5. Performance  

 As Joe explains, a quantitative risk management program should meet two objectives:

Short term: Deliver business value to the organization quickly. “It’s critical to getting people bought in to this new concept.”

Long term: For many organizations, that’s gaining a wider advantage from their investment in RiskLens. “FAIR and RiskLens can absolutely be leveraged in domains outside of cyber and IT risk,” Joe says.

Watch the video to learn how RiskLens built into the project plan for one client an evolution from cyber to operational and enterprise risk management to “bring the same element of business value into other types of risk that were hugely important to the organization.”

HubSpot Video


Check out these RiskLens packages for establishing risk-based programs with FAIR: 

The Enterprise SaaS subscription to the RiskLens platform supports fast, risk-informed decisions at any level of the enterprise, from planning a new digital initiative down to day-to-day audit findings.

RiskLens Pro is an easy and affordable managed service that helps organizations quickly define, assess, and communicate cyber risks in financial terms, with no in-house expertise or significant time commitment necessary.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from RiskLens Resources authored by Jeff B. Copeland. Read the original post at: