5 Common Cybersecurity Misconceptions – Exposed
Cybersecurity is a must for modern organizations whose digital initiatives and remote work have extended the IT infrastructure – and the attack surface. An effective defense against evolving threats requires skills and know-how to manage complex security tools and implement best practices.
Still, misinformation persists. And in some cases, common misconceptions about cybersecurity can actually increase an organization’s risk. Here are a few to watch for:
1. Security solutions are “set and forget”
It’s easy to believe that simply deploying a security solution will offer sufficient protection for your assets. But if there are no processes or skills in place to manage the tool, you’re not reducing risk. Far from being “set and forget,” security controls, software, and tools – such as a SIEM – can be complex, and need to be configured to support your organization’s unique needs. They must be monitored and managed 24/7, and adapted in real time to combat ever-evolving threats. Without proactive management, policies, and procedures in place, security tools can create more work for your team – and even divert their attention away from critical threats.
2. Adding more technology will solve the problem
Certain events can prompt organizations to consider adding security technology to their cybersecurity program – for instance, a new regulation requirement, a team member leaving the organization, or a recent security incident. Before you get that shiny new security tool, make sure it’s what you need – and what your team’s skills can manage. Be sure you’ve got the security “basics” covered before you layer on more technology – especially an advanced solution that is likely to add complexity. Often, tracking an issue to its fundamental cause – for instance, a misconfigured setting or a hidden asset – may allow you to resolve the problem rather than create a new one by adopting unneeded security products.
3. Being compliant means being secure
Cyber compliance is just one aspect of cybersecurity and usually the industry or government requirements address a specific area of security concern, such as network access. When implemented in good faith and best practice, cyber compliance will make you more secure, but it typically does not address all attack vectors and provide protection for all divisions of a business. Compliance should never be the goalpost for a secure environment. A sound cybersecurity program that is backed by a strong strategy, current technology, and a team of skilled individuals is a much more effective approach.
4. Our company is not a target
There is no shortage of battle stories of organizations dealing with a bad security incident. But if you’re thinking that an attack can’t happen to you, think again. Security via obscurity is not a charter to live by. It’s important to remember that attackers are opportunists and look for targets that are easy to exploit. Big companies or small, private industries or public – there is no “trend.” We are all targets. Consider your organization from the attackers’ perspective – and close the door to easy opportunity.
5. We are going to build our own SOC/SIEM/data lake
For organizations with large, dedicated security teams and budgets with many zeros, an in-house solution may be the best choice, depending on the objectives. But for many companies, adopting these complex security tools is simply beyond their capabilities. A lack of sufficient skills and the operational costs of maintaining and monitoring the solution are barriers to effective (and successful) deployment and use. Sometimes it makes the most business sense to work with a managed security service provider to access these capabilities – without the complexity and cost of an in-house solution.
The bottom line? Don’t believe everything you hear. Common misconceptions about cybersecurity can hurt you. Instead, seek the advice of seasoned industry experts that can guide your strategy and help you implement an effective in-house security program. If your team is limited in skills or budget, consider a reputable provider for access to powerful, managed enterprise-grade security capabilities – on-demand.
If you’re looking for a managed security solution, consider SilverSky. We help you overcome your complex security challenges – and make cybersecurity simple, affordable, and accessible. Learn more.
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from SilverSky authored by joe-neri. Read the original post at: https://www.silversky.com/blog/5-common-cybersecurity-misconceptions-exposed/