Getting Ahead of Certificate-Related Outages With Automation and Visibility
As many organizations shift from traditional IT to more dynamic workloads in the cloud and at the edge, the number of machines in use continues to grow. This means there are more and more certificates to oversee because each of these machines needs an identity in the form of cryptographic keys or digital certificates.
Ineffectively managing digital certificates — or even worse, not managing them at all — can cause massive disruptions in the form of outages. This in turn can cause a significant delay in productivity or open a loophole for a potential data breach.
Increasing visibility and adding automation for the management of digital certificates are two proactive steps organizations can take to reduce outages. As security leaders seek to reduce and prevent the number of certificate-related outages, both visibility and automation should be made a near-term priority. If they can deliver on this, they will be well on their way toward reducing the frequency and severity of outages.
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Blog Archive – Keyfactor authored by Chris Hickman. Read the original post at: