Honoring International Women’s Day

International Women's Day

International Women’s Day is a day to honor and recognize the social, economic and cultural achievements of women throughout history. This year’s theme is #breakthebias, a theme which represents the idea of a world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination.

I am proud to work at PerimeterX, a company where we live and practice these values every day. Our company culture is diverse in many ways. We are diverse in gender. Women and men are both treated equally in our ideas and our contributions. Women represent 25% of our leadership positions and over 20% of our technical roles are filled with women. We are diverse in background. We have employees in the US, Israel and Europe, all representing different ethnicities, different experiences and different preferences. We value this uniqueness, and believe we are stronger as a company because we come from different backgrounds. And we are diverse in style. We all think, operate and express ourselves in our own unique and personal way. We recognize that no two humans are alike, and that each of us have our own way of being and bringing value to the world.

We know that there are genuine differences between men and women at work. We may communicate differently, we may have different emotional needs and we may get work done differently. At PerimeterX, we genuinely take the time to understand and appreciate those differences. We acknowledge them, we talk about them and we make it OK for all of the differences to be just that. OK. And in that, we #breakthebias. We show each other and the world that differences are expected, good and appreciated. A world free of bias and stereotype does not mean a world where we all act the same. It means a world where all our differences make us (Read more...)

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from PerimeterX Blog authored by PerimeterX Blog. Read the original post at:

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