Social responsibility in infosec with Chloé Messdaghi
Discussing environmental and social issues in infosec with ESG researcher Chloé Messdaghi

Every single business, including the ones in cybersecurity, is intertwined with social issues and concerns.
Chloé Messdaghi is a strategy consultant and ESG researcher who provides Environmental, Social, and Governance consulting to businesses. Today, I sit down with Chloé to discuss the biggest issues facing the infosec industry, such as diversity and sustainability, and how we can start tackling them together.
What are the biggest social challenges facing our industry? How can we take the steps to increase diversity and reduce the environmental impact of infosec? Listen on to find out!
Chloé Messdaghi is a published strategist who advises and develops impactful solutions that make sense for organizations’ shareholders and stakeholders. Additionally, she is an international public speaker at major conferences and events, and serves as a trusted source to reporters and editors, such as Forbes, SC Magazine, TechRepublic, and many more. She is also listed as one of the Business Insider’s 50 Power Players.
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Social responsibility in infosec with Chloé Messdaghi was originally published in ShiftLeft Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from ShiftLeft Blog - Medium authored by Vickie Li. Read the original post at: https://blog.shiftleft.io/social-responsibility-in-infosec-with-chlo%C3%A9-messdaghi-560219fe64b0?source=rss----86a4f941c7da---4