Life360 Selling Location Data, NSO Group Spyware Hacks Government Employees, Homecoming Queen Contest Hacked
Life360, a popular family safety app used by 33 million people worldwide, is selling location data to a dozen data brokers, phones of 11 U.S. State Department employees were hacked with spyware from the infamous NSO Group, and details on a bizarre story about a mother and daughter that face 16 years in prison for hacking into a school computer system to rig a homecoming queen election.
** Links mentioned on the show **
Life360 selling location data
AP Source: NSO Group spyware used to hack State employees
Florida teen and her mother accused of hacking homecoming queen election refuse plea deal, claiming they have been framed
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The post Life360 Selling Location Data, NSO Group Spyware Hacks Government Employees, Homecoming Queen Contest Hacked appeared first on The Shared Security Show.
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from The Shared Security Show authored by Tom Eston. Read the original post at: https://sharedsecurity.net/2021/12/13/life360-selling-location-data-nso-group-spyware-hacks-government-employees-homecoming-queen-contest-hacked/