Scott Cawthon Net Worth 2022 | Income & salary history
Scott Cawthon is a famous, independent animator known as a writer and a video game developer. In this article, you can know all about Scott Cawthon, his life and Net Worth, past and current.
Net Worth of Scott Cawthon in USD
Cawthon’s wealth was 60$ million approximately in 2020. In September 2021, Scott Cawthon has a net worth of 70$ million approximately. He got this wealth just because of his video games and series sold online and in hard copies. Cawthon has made 20$ million with his successful published books and video games franchise.
Early life
Scott Cawthon was born in Houston, Texas. Scott believes in the catholic faith and God. He was also a member of a church organization known as ‘’Hope Animation’’.
Scott Cawthon personal life
Scott Cawthon was a creator of 3D models. He used to sell that model on his website. He lives with his children and wife in the state of Texas. Scott has a caring wife and loving children. He was also a member of Animation Hope, where he used to make animations and stories related to the bible for the children. His main motive was to spread the teachings of Christ.
Apart from that, he was also a developer of independent animated films. His famous animated films are ‘’A Christmas journey’’, ‘’Noah’s Art’’, ‘’The pilgrim’s progress’’ and ‘’The Juses kids club’’.
Scott Cawthon career
He started his career as a game developer and animator in the 1990s. He developed his first game’’Doofas’’ during his childhood. Scott launched his first game in 2000, known as RPG max. And it was released in 2002. Later, he joined Hope Animation. In church, he created animations for the children to teach them Christian values.
In his YouTube channel, Scott Cawthon uploaded the 8-part program called ‘’The Pilgrims Progress’’.
“Five Nights at Freddy’s” is a video game developed by Scott Cawthon. He started this game in France. The game became popular among fans and gained a huge following. His game Five Night’s at Freddy’s was sold in millions all over the world. Scott Cawthon created ten games from 2014 to 2021.
Scott Cawthon also created Chipper’s Son’s Lumber Co. There is no desolate hope and pause button. Cawthon made many games such as ‘’The Desolate hope’’ and ‘’Sit N’ Service’’.
In a way or another, the games seem to be criticized for the characters. He was very disappointed about that criticism, but he did not lose heart. After some time, he came with more passion, energy, and new ideas.
Scott Cawthon developed many games that increased his worth more. He has developed a website where you can find his games easily, i.e., Five Nights at Freddy’s horror series. Halloween was also created by Cawthon and was released in 2015. Warner Bros Pictures were allowed to include those games in the films in April 2015.
In 2014, Cawthon released the first sequel of the game for just 7.99$ on steam. On 2 March 2015, he released the latest versions of the game and released a third sequel. On 23 July 2015, he released the fourth sequel.
In 2015, he was selected for an award because of his excellent Five Nights at Freddy’s. His main booster was the development of Five Nights at Freddy’s. He got a lot of money through this game.
In 2018, the seventh main hit ‘’Ultimate Custom Night’’ was released on steam just for free. He released the second trailer of Five Nights at Freddy in 2021.
Achievements and Awards
In 2015, he was selected for an iHorror Award. It was the category of horror video games.
Cawthon early films
- A Christmas Journey
- Doofus
- The pilgrim’s success
- Gunball
- The Jesus kids club
- Legacy of Flan
- Legacy of Flan 2
- Noah’s Ark
- Legacy of Flan 3
- 20 useless apps
- Flanville
- Rage quit
- Spooky scan
- The desolate hope
- There is no pause button
- The desolate room
- Sit N’ survive
- Five Nights at Freddy’s world
- Chipper and sons lumber co
Scott Cawthon’s video games
- Five Nights at Freddy’s 4
- Five Nights at Freddy’s 3
- Five nights at Freddy’s 2
- Five Nights at Freddy
- Five Nights at Freddy‘s: The fourth closet
- Five Nights at Freddy’s: The silver eyes
- Five Nights at Freddy’s: The survival logbook
- Five Nights At Freddy: Sister location
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Blog – InfosecPlace authored by Infosec. Read the original post at: https://infosecplace.com/scott-cawthon-net-worth/