Protecting Your Data in Your Cloud with the Baffle Data Privacy Cloud
As organizations continue to build out their cloud-based data lakes and analytics environments, there’s a huge push to implement data privacy and de-identification methods for their data. At Baffle, we’ve always held the belief that customers should control their keys and their data, which is why it has been a bit of a shock to see SaaS solutions emerge where providers are holding a company’s most sensitive data.
The notion of giving your most sensitive data to a trusted third party seems fraught with security challenges and potentially bordering on insanity.
That’s why we’re pleased to announce Baffle’s Data Privacy Cloud. Our solution gives control to your organization to protect your data with your keys in your own private cloud. The Data Privacy Cloud offers you the ability to establish a data protection service for your organization for any data store and for any application. The solution also supports operations on encrypted data to provide secure computation.
The deployment architecture is depicted below where serverless Amazon Lambda functions are instantiated to perform encrypt, decrypt, and computation operations on encrypted data. The serverless functions interoperate with key management stores to support BYOK / HYOK via Baffle’s key virtualization layer.
Below is a video of the Baffle Data rivacy Cloud working in conjunction with Amazon Redshift. The integration was developed with guidance from the Amazon Redshift team.
You can learn more about our capabilities with the following links:
The post Protecting Your Data in Your Cloud with the Baffle Data Privacy Cloud appeared first on Baffle.
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Baffle authored by Harold Byun, VP Products. Read the original post at: https://baffle.io/blog/protecting-your-data-in-your-cloud/