CIOs and CISOs are under constant barrage and pressure to deliver more with fewer resources and less capital, all while continuing to meet any number of regulatory requirements. 

The Ponemon Institute reports the average mean time to identify (MTTI) a breach is 206 days and continuously getting worse year over year. Within this timeframe, zero-day attacks, compliance drift, and other vulnerabilities are eluding IT professionals for more than half a year.

Oftentimes, the key to solving this problem lies in eliminating unnecessary costs and prioritizing initiatives that can deliver and solve a multitude of issues and requirements with a common product or solution. This is best illustrated in several best practices and compliance requirements that outline and discuss a prioritized list and recommended seat of IT controls that are essential to a safe, trusted, and compliant infrastructure. 

In this series, we’ll discuss how file integrity monitoring (FIM) addresses (Read more...)