Anthony Israel-Davis joins the show to discuss what you can do with the DBIR as a practitioner and his perspective on the proposed Cybersecurity Safety Review Board.


Tim Erlin: Welcome everyone to the Tripwire Cybersecurity Podcast. I am Tim Erlin, vice president of product management at Tripwire. I am joined by Anthony Israel-Davis, a senior manager at Tripwire who’s responsible for cloud compliance and operations. Welcome, Anthony. Glad to have you joining us.

Anthony Israel-Davis: Thank you.

TE: Anthony is a practitioner, not a salesperson. He’s on the corporate side of things. That’s what makes him particularly interesting for our talk.

A High-Level Overview of Verizon’s DBIR

TE: Today, we’re going to discuss Verizon’s DBIR 2021. I wanted to have a conversation about what the DBIR is for in our industry. What’s your perspective, Anthony?

AID: That’s a great question.

I think that one thing that the DBIR does is it takes the things that are going on in the cybersecurity space, particularly with breaches and incidents, and breaks them down into something that is both interesting to look at from a statistics standpoint but then actionable to various industries or people who are actually doing the work to defend the enterprise. So, at a very high-level overview of that, if you are a cybersecurity analyst and you’re in the trenches, this might be old news, but if you are doing strategy, if you’re trying to determine what to do in your space, this is a great report to understand what’s going on out there—especially year to year.

The other aspect of this that is near and dear to my heart is when we talk about (Read more...)