Introducing the State of Remote Security Operations [Survey Research]

Security operations professionals are constantly being forced to adapt, whether it is to the latest threat evolution, adversary techniques or changing attack surface. Until this year, they had at least one reliable routine: the ability to collaborate in person. Then COVID-19 disrupted the status quo and forced security analysts, engineers and others to remote settings.

Teleworking naturally delivered havoc to security operations programs and teams, but to what extent? Nearly one year after the pandemic began, how have security postures coped and personnel adjusted to the shaking of the SecOps status quo. And, perhaps more importantly, what does the future hold?

The State of Remote Security Operations report, which surveyed nearly 400 security operations professionals, sought to measure the impact of COVID-19 and ensuing work-from-home transition from the perspective of security analysts, SOC managers and others tasked with detection and response efforts within organizations.

Download your free copy of The State of Remote Security Operations survey research report

We distilled the findings into three parts: the threat component, the human component and the opportunity component, because to look forward we must look back at the conditions that have created where you are now.

Packed with meaningful statistics that will help inform stakeholders and advance your SecOps program, download The State of Remote Security Operations to discover:

  • How security postures have been affected by the work-from-home transition.
  • Frequency and types of threats in the COVID-19 era.
  • Common tasks that are most challenging to WFH analysts.
  • Ways teams are getting creative around hiring and retaining employees.
  • How the use of automation and managed security services providers is changing and freeing up security analysts to do more in the remote era.

The post Introducing the State of Remote Security Operations [Survey Research] appeared first on Siemplify.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Siemplify authored by Dan Kaplan. Read the original post at: