Developer Roll Up: January 2021

The team at LimaCharlie continues to roll out new features and improvements with no end in sight. A lot of the team’s effort is being spent developing some game changing capabilities but we are still getting other things done. The following is a roll up of improvements we have made during the month of January.

Platform Improvement

There is a new element in the routing element of the events generated by LimaCharlie. The new element is called did (a string) and will be used to represent the DeviceID, a value that will tie together multiple SensorIDs when the multiple sensors refer to the same Device. The implementation of this new value will also gradually roll out so you may see it get populated to a value if, for example, you have a Windows sensor and a Chrome sensor on the same box. This new value will take more importance in the future as we introduce more sensor platforms to provide you with a top level view of a user's device.

Org Creation via API

The REST API response will indicate the OID provisioned. Note that the creation process is asynchronous so it may take a minute or two (depending on Stripe API speed) before the org is up and running.

Python SDK 3.17.1

  • Fixes an issue Configs syncing and merge of Resources types.

  • Adds flag (--ignore-inaccessible) to Configs syncing to ignore errors on elements that are locked by external entities.

Sensor 4.23.2

  • Native support for macOS arm64 (aka Apple Silicon, aka M1), the installer is now available, but will require a web app refresh to see it.

  • Fix for a memory accumulation issue that could occur on boxes with very heavy process/network activity.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from LimaCharlie's Blog authored by LimaCharlie's Blog. Read the original post at: