In an environment where the surge in remote workers makes the discussion on security solution performance more pronounced, we’ve recently observed a wave of security teams approach us with a natural question: “When we proxy traffic with other tools, we see latency. Will your platform introduce latency into our experience?”
In short, no. In fact, your user experience improves.
Typically, cloud services and apps pin users to a predefined location and their traffic takes a roundabout route through the Internet to access a resource. Furthermore, most proxy architectures are delivered through proprietary data centers that become bottlenecks as loads increase or shift.
The chart below shows roundtrip times when accessing Office 365 directly, and when accessing Office 365 via Bitglass’ SASE fabric. Our automated QA systems conduct many of these kinds of tests daily and, on average, the Bitglass proxy not only comes out ahead, but also provides an even-keeled, consistent experience. In other words, proxying traffic with Bitglass decreases latency, and enhances consistency in user experience.
At first blush, this result seems to be counterintuitive. However, when you take a closer look, these metrics are the result of an architectural decision to not only use the public cloud, but also to deliver it through the Bitglass SASE fabric, an emerging paradigm for delivering security services from the edge of the network. By efficiently tiering the architecture, from heavy compute and storage in core data centers down to efficient processing on users’ devices, the Bitglass architecture is able to operate with a global footprint of over 200 points of presence, giving you an on-ramp to the cloud that is the closest to your deployment. This footprint is then able to choose the optimal path to your applications and services–routes that are even more optimal than the native experience.
To learn more, we invite you to read more about our Polyscale architecture and SASE fabric.