All My Stripes: The New Business Imperative of LGBTQ+ Inclusion

“Don’t talk, just act. Don’t say, just show. Don’t promise, just prove.” -Hiroko Tsuchimoto

As another LGBTQ+ Pride month comes to a close and I look back at the rainbow striped logos companies used on their websites, I take pause to look back at what progress has been made over the last year for our community. This year was the first I can recall where stains were left on the celebration of Pride month by our own president when he denounced the workplace protection law passed by the Supreme Court and his reversal of Obama-era healthcare protections of transgender individuals on the anniversary of the Pulse nightclub massacre where 49 people were killed.

What have businesses who’ve redesigned their logos with a rainbow done to help advance the representation of LGBTQ+ minorities in their own companies? Is it just PR for these companies or do they really understand the unique perspectives the LGBTQ+ community brings to decision-making and advancements in IT? 

More importantly, what have I done?

As a lesbian, transgender person, and woman, I’ve been up against all three similar stereotypes and unconscious and conscious biases in cybersecurity. From men thinking I’d sleep with them for a signed contract to someone not wanting to do business with a company run by a trans-person — I’ve seen it all.

I’ve been working in cybersecurity for over 20 years and it’s time I take pause to ask myself what I’ve done to help further the LGBTQ+ community and do my part in making a positive impact on LGBTQ+ lives. I’m sad to say I could have and should have done more. I will do more. The fact of the matter is, I’ve never wanted to be seen as a “beautiful trans woman” — just a “beautiful woman.” So (Read more...)

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Infosec Resources authored by Alissa Knight. Read the original post at: