RSA Conference 2021 Changes Date from February to May 2021
Without question, the events industry has been heavily impacted by the global pandemic. With public health and safety as the top priority, we have officially announced that the 30th anniversary of RSA Conference will take place the week of May 17, 2021 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco versus in February. The physical event will be accompanied by a robust and innovative virtual experience.
What does this mean?
Understanding that the industry will forever be changed, we have learned to expect the unexpected and are reimagining ways to best serve our community. This includes launching virtual events like we have with RSAC 2020 APJ, expanding our year-round content and providing topic focused programs along with hosting our physical events.
Our team puts an incredible amount of thought and care into every decision we make – and changing the date of our physical event was no exception. Based on many discussions, it was clear that an event in May would help increase the safety of our attendees. You can trust that in every stage of planning, our team will be working with the City of San Francisco, monitoring the recommendations from WHO and the CDC and will adhere to all the federal and state regulations around the size of gatherings, social distancing, health and sanitization protocols.
Just as we have worked through a variety of scenarios of what 2021 will hold, we expect that our community members have many thoughts as well. Though we may not be able to answer all your questions today, you can trust that we will remain as transparent as possible as plans unfold. Right now, our working assumption is that we will be hosting a physical event in May 2021 accompanied by a rich virtual experience.
We can say with certainty and great enthusiasm that we are looking forward to bringing our community together again, both physically and virtually. Our mission remains the same regardless of format: to build an experience that shapes and supports the cybersecurity industry.
Our Continued Promise
RSAC has always been a premier cybersecurity resource committed to and supported by community engagement, and that will not change. Our rich history of gathering the security industry’s brightest minds and leading experts together at Conference has played a key role in the public debate around the most important cybersecurity trends, challenges, solutions and innovations. We are leveraging new opportunities to enrich our legacy by continuing to influence current and future public debates.
Whether attending a live event, consuming content that RSAC provides year-round or engaging with our virtual programs, RSA Conference attendees can expect on-going access to the people, content and ideas that help protect our world. In fact, we are working to bring you more from those trusted voices.
Knowing that cybersecurity professionals are likely encountering security challenges they have never had to face before, RSAC created a resource center filled with relevant webcasts, videos and blogs all curated from industry experts and practitioners on topics to help overcome today’s challenges. As we grow our year-round content program, you will have more opportunities for meaningful community engagement.
Know that as we plan for the future, we remain here to help you stay connected, now and always.
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*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from RSAConference Blogs RSS Feed authored by RSAConference Blogs RSS Feed. Read the original post at: