Amazon Web Services (AWS) allow organizations to take advantage of numerous services and capabilities. As the number of available options under the cloud infrastructure of the company grows, so too do the security risks and the possible weaknesses. AWS Project owners need to take extra precautions by following some platform-specific advice. Amazon is constantly working on adding new features and implementing new changes in its current offering, as well.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) In Its Current Form: A Versatile Cloud Platform

Amazon offers one of the most widely used and most developer-friendly cloud hosting services on its Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform. AWS is a platform that includes numerous modules and services that are designed to be capable of being used both independently and interconnected with one another.

One of the advantages of using the Amazon services is that they are developed with a shared common convention and authentication mechanism. This gives customers the ability to access practically all optioned services from a web-based dashboard. Different AWS commands can be issued by making the so-called “web service calls” to carry out various functions such as setting up a load balancing server, changing IP addresses or editing a configuration value.

Amazon is a powerful alternative to Google App Engine hosting services, another popular cloud platform used to host web projects. It is impossible to say which one is ‘better’; the dynamics of these projects change all the time, and a user’s needs vary. Amazon at the moment offers a multitude of infrastructure services that have proven to be reliable across all typical use cases, scaling from small personal projects up to large enterprise portals hosted on whole decentralized networks.

One of the distinct capabilities available with Amazon’s cloud services is that they can be used in a hybrid configuration – (Read more...)