Cyber Work: How to become an APT hunter with Carbon Black


In this episode of Infosec’s cybersecurity podcast series Cyber Work, host Chris Sienko talks with David Balcar, security strategist at Carbon Black. They discuss a wide range of topics, from how David got his start in security to many of the ins and outs of being an APT hunter — which is one of the hot subjects in information security today and a dream job for many. 

Strap yourself in and get ready for a fast-paced, information-rich exploration of how to become an APT hunter!

How did you first get interested in computers and security?

David was first bitten by the computer “bug” (pardon the pun) when he was about ten, experimenting with Apple II and IIe. This led to programming and working with the Pascal assembly language. 

After graduating from high school, David joined the Navy and later began working for his friend’s computer repair shop. This experience gave him a great foundation, which led him to begin networking with a focus on Novell networks. He worked for an engineering firm building large-scale Novell networks and later began a company called NDI. This company had two sides, one focusing on security and the other on traditional integration. 

How has the cybersecurity landscape changed since you first got involved?

According to David, it has changed a lot. When he first started, cyberattacks were mainly boot-sector attacks and screen locks, and moved into cybertheft and stealing money. This followed the age-old wisdom: people go for the money. 

What are some of the job titles and responsibilities that gave you the tools you needed to excel in cybersecurity?

David has held many titles leading up to his current one, that of security strategist at Carbon Black. He has been a programmer, which helped teach him processes and (Read more...)

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Infosec Resources authored by Greg Belding. Read the original post at: