Forrester Study on the Benefits of Cloud vs. On-Premises AppSec

Veracode recently commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct research on the Total Economic Impact™ of using a cloud-based application security (AppSec) solution versus an on-premises solution. To collect information on the benefits and risks associated with the solutions, Forrester interviewed four customers who have used Veracode as well as a variety of on-premises application security solutions. The data presented four business benefits and average cost savings associated with using SaaS-based AppSec:

Improved speed to scale saves 200 hours, annually

On average, it takes approximately 33 hours to set up an AppSec server and 216 hours for annual maintenance. By using a cloud-based solution, like Veracode, organizations avoid server costs, which improves speed to scale and saves more than $1.3 million over three years.

Faster time to market leads to additional $888,000 in annual profit  

Veracode Greenlight is a unique tool that performs security scans as developers are coding. By catching flaws during development, code is updated faster, and products and updates are typically released three months sooner than if conducting post-deployment scans. Gaining an additional three months of profit on every application could translate to millions saved over the course of a few years.

Annual legacy application costs of $1.86 million are avoided

The study found that Veracode costs 20 percent less to operate than on-premises solutions. This means that by moving all legacy applications to a cloud-based solution, an organization would have lower operating costs, which could save – on average – almost $3.9 million over the course of three years.

Real-time flaw identification saves $4.4 million over three years

Veracode Greenlight not only leads to increased profits, it also leads to increased productivity for developers. Since they are able to see flaws while coding, they can make real-time edits, eliminating rework down the line. And the more productive developers are when eliminating flaws, the more productive the security teams are. This could lead to an average productivity savings of approximately $4.4 million over three years.

Download the full study, SaaS vs. On-premises: The Total Economic Impact™ of Veracode’s SaaS-based Application Security Platform, for a detailed analysis of cost savings and business benefits. In the report, you will also find additional baseline benefits attributed to using Veracode, as well as a comprehensive overview of the platform.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from RSS | Veracode Blog authored by [email protected] (hgoslin). Read the original post at: