Coronas, Burritos, and Security — Oh My! by Brian Contos
Today some members of the Verodin West Coast Team got together in San Francisco’s East Bay. We had an informal meet and greet where laptops, Power Points, and marketing slicks were strictly forbidden. Joining us we had some of the area’s leading CISOs. We just wanted to take them to one of our favorite dives and have some fun.
The location of “our” dive is a poorly kept secret (menus on the table). I was told not to share it in order to mitigate hipsters from making the place too trendy and forcing us to grow beards, use flip phones, and ride fat bikes.
There is nothing like the bringing together of sales, marketing, product, customer success, and engineering with some area big thinkers over some burritos and Coronas. A big thanks to everyone who attended – especially all the CISOs that took some time out of their schedule for some “merriment and diversion.” Sorry, Corona — for no particular reason at all, I quoted Adam Smith.
We’re all looking forward to the next West Coast Verodin meet and greet.
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Verodin Blog authored by Verodin Blog. Read the original post at: https://www.verodin.com/post/coronas-burritos-and-security-oh-my