Get Some Peace of Mind at AWS reInvent

There are lots of technology and cybersecurity conferences, but AWS re:Invent is one of the marquee events. More than 50,000 people will flood Las Vegas to attend a week of keynotes, sessions, and extracurricular activities. Attendees will have opportunities to learn pretty much everything they need to know to run cloud workloads in AWS—including how to properly secure and protect those workloads.

Right Coverage, Right Resources

Don’t assume that just because you put it on AWS that it will somehow be inherently secure. If you’re not already familiar with the shared responsibility model, you should be. It basically says that the cloud provider—in this case AWS—is responsible for securing and protecting the cloud infrastructure they are selling you, but you are responsible for everything you migrate to, store on, or execute in the cloud.

That said, it’s also important not to over protect. There are a variety of tools and applications you can buy to secure various aspects of your AWS cloud environment, but the reality is that some servers, applictations, and data are more sensitive or business essential and require more vigilance and stronger security, while some are less valuable and don’t need the same investment of time or money.

Alert Logic understands that a one-size-fits-all approach to cybersecurity doesn’t make sense. You don’t want to leave critical assets exposed to unnecessary risk by not protecting them properly, and you don’t want to waste your limited IT security budget paying for security on assets that don’t really need it. You just need the right coverage, for the right resources, at the right price.

Security Experts 24/7

It’s also important to monitor for security events around the clock. Cyber attackers don’t stick to your schedule. It’s always business hours somewhere in the world—even while you’re sleeping. But something else that Alert Logic understands is that not every company has a dedicated, full-time IT staff or their own 24/7 security operations center.

We do. Alert Logic knows that effective cybersecurity is a function of having the right platform of tools and solutions, the right intelligence regarding new exploits and emerging threats, and the right experts to analyze and prioritize threats and respond swiftly when a security incident occurs.

It’s impractical—and unnecessary—for every business to do this on its own. Businesses should focus on their core strengths and on innovating and developing new products and services to make a profit. Alert Logic customers can sleep easy at night because they know that we have a team of security experts in our Security Operations Center (SOC) keeping an eye on their environment 24/7.

AWS Security Review

Don’t take my word for it, though—find out for yourself. You can sign up for a free AWS Security Review and meet with us at AWS re:Invent where we will provide a report that shows how the security configurations in your AWS environment compare to AWS Security Best Practices. You can also schedule a technical consult with one of our security experts at AWS re:Invent to learn more about how we work seamlessly with AWS Security Services.

Regardless of whether you take us up on either of those offers, I invite you to stop by Booth 2334 at AWS re:Invent just to meet the Alert Logic team and find out how you can get some peace of mind from your cybersecurity.

About the Author

Tony Bradley

Tony Bradley is Senior Manager of Content Marketing for Alert Logic. Tony worked in the trenches as a network administrator and security consultant before shifting to the marketing and writing side of things. He is an 11-time Microsoft MVP in security and cloud and has been a CISSP-ISSAP since 2002. Tony has authored or co-authored a dozen books on IT and IT security topics, and is a prolific contributor to online media sites such as Forbes and He has established a reputation for effective content marketing, and building and engaging a community and social media audience.

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*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Alert Logic - Blogs Feed authored by Tony Bradley. Read the original post at: