[INFOGRAPHIC] Analyzing Your Enterprise Cybersecurity Risks

Hardly a day goes by without a high-profile institution or company announcing that its files have been hacked. Such data breaches can cause financial losses and affect an organization’s reputation for years. A look at high-profile victims like Equifax, Marriot, and British Airways shows they all lacked a clear and complete understanding of their attack surface and the presence of risky endpoints.

With the odds of experiencing a data breach on the rise*, figuring out how to reduce the attack surface has become crucial for all organizations.

Check out the infographic below to learn the main factors behind a data breach and its associated costs, and what can be done to diminish the overall cost of a breach at the organization level.


For more information on how to reduce the attack surface to manageable levels, please read the ESG Report.

*Source: Ponemon Institute, 2019: Cost of a Data Breach Report

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Business Insights In Virtualization and Cloud Security authored by Bitdefender Enterprise. Read the original post at:

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