Thoughts on Simjacker

These are not my thoughts, rather my good friend Adrian Sanabria posted this in a thread on Twitter.

I feel like a lot of great content by some very smart people can get lost in among the vast number of tweets, so I asked Adrian to blog… to which he said it would add a lot of time.

I agree with that, it’s a lot easier to throw out a bunch of tweets and not worry about grammar or formatting to get the knowledge out there. But then I thought, if I used The ThreadApp I could get the whole tweet in one place, and then embed it into a blog. So this post is part sharing Adrian’s thoughts on Simjacker, and part my experiment on embedding twitter threads.

The ThreadApp offers an embed code like here, but that is only a partial view and you need to click through to read it, I want to avoid readers having to click through multiple times to read.

I’ve now resorted to embedding directly from twitter (below). But this is a manual process, and if the poster chooses to delete their tweets, it will likely mess it up here. So, I need a better way. I’ll look into it in more detail at some other time, but for now enjoy the thread.


Final edit: also check out the thread from Vess on the topic which backs up what Adrian is saying.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from J4vv4D authored by j4vv4d. Read the original post at:

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