Cybersecurity engineer resume tips

The role of cybersecurity engineer

The role of the cybersecurity engineer has been around for decades. During that time, it has evolved dramatically. 

First, responsibilities mostly existed within the Layer 3 (firewall) and the signature-based antivirus product space. With the emergence of more advanced threats, intrusion detection and prevention systems, proxy servers, next-generation firewalls and web application firewalls were introduced. As the requirements changed, the security engineers followed the trend. 

Now there is a dramatic shift of IT systems to cloud infrastructure, and the security systems are following suit. To take advantage of the opportunities created by this shift, security engineers will need to upskill. 

And there’s something else that’s just as important: they need to promote themselves within this space. This is something technical people are not always good at, but when that new opportunity or contract comes up, it can really pay off to have a clear, on-point and up-to-date resume ready to go.

Edit for length, grammar and consistency

Something that applies to all resumes, not just in the cybersecurity engineering field, is the need to have a consistent and faultless resume. 

First of all, don’t mix up first (I) and third (he/she) person language. This can indicate a copy-and-paste job and a lack of effort. 

Another important point is to be consistent in fonts, font size, use of bullet point indicators, colors, capitalization and spacing. Once hired, cybersecurity engineer can easily cause a major outage with a wrong number in a command or with bad documentation. A messy resume is not something to present to a hiring manager or HR person for this role. 

Finally, keep the length of the resume between one and two pages. Unless there are many (relevant) important projects and roles to discuss, do not exceed (Read more...)

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Infosec Resources authored by Frank Siemons. Read the original post at: