How a Secure Enterprise-Grade Communications Channel Can Protect the Legal Industry

Secure communications channels protect the legal industry.

Security breaches are on the rise in the legal industry. ABA’s 2018 Legal Technology Survey Report found that 23% of respondents reported that their law firms had experienced a security breach—up from 14% In 2016. From bad actors, to lost devices, to information accidentally being leaked—there’s a variety of reasons nearly one in four firms have experienced a security breach. But while a variety of situations lead to security breaches in the legal industry there is one thing that helps protect law firms from breaches—having a secure enterprise-grade communications channel. Here’s how:

Moving Away from Email

Email is the biggest risk to law firms, with 95% of all malware and breaches beginning with email. Email is also considered the standard method of business communication, despite being an insecure way to communicate. It’s all too easy for bad actors to send official looking emails to lawyers and other staff that result in them accidentally installing ransomware or for staff to share personal information—like log-in info—that gives hackers access to sensitive data. When a law firm opts to use an enterprise-grade secure communications channel to communicate specific information like password resets or information on security alerts (the type of information that hackers typically like to leverage in emails to trick people into clicking a malicious link)——this helps protect firms against breaches. Staff can then know that any email asking for a wire transfer or providing log-in information in an email is no longer legitimate. 

Staying in Control of Information Even After It Leaves the Device

Security breaches also happen in the legal industry when people leak information—whether accidentally or intentionally. It’s all too easy to accidentally hit forward or send a confidential message to the wrong recipient. And then there’s always the possibility of someone intentionally sharing sensitive information—for example, sharing information on an M & A for insider trading purposes. A secure communications channel protects this kind of information not only with end-to-end encryption that protects your information from the man in the middle attacks—but by making sure the information is still protected even after you’ve hit send. That means that recipients should not be able to screenshot messages, forward or share them, or store them to their device and the sender should be able to recall the message if they need to—ensuring that the information can’t be compromised by a third person. 

Vaporstream- The Enterprises’ Alternative to Consumer Messaging Apps 

Where users at your firm who use consumer messaging apps can only trust their devices to protect information, an enterprise grade secure communication channel, such as Vaporstream places the controls within the hands of your firm. By adding advanced content controls, and enterprise level security, you can have confidential, compliant and disappearing business conversations while maintaining complete control of information shared inside and outside your law firm. Vaporstream helps law firms protect their sensitive communications from security breaches. As a secure communications channel, we ensure that you stay in control of your information even after it leaves your device while staying compliant with any regulations and e-discovery requirements. To learn more about what makes us secure download our NowSecure case study today.

Contributor: The Vaporstream Team


*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Vaporstream authored by Tali. Read the original post at:

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