The advantages of at-your-own-pace cybersecurity training

With the prevalence of cybersecurity training in today’s business world, a new approach to this vital method to control inside threats and cyber-negligence is on the rise. This approach is known as at-your-own-pace cybersecurity training.

Today, we’ll look at the advantages of at-your-own-pace cybersecurity training that your organization can benefit from. By the time you’re finished reading, you’ll be in a better position to decide whether to implement this novel style of training.

What is at-your-own-pace cybersecurity training?

At-your-own-pace training is differentiated from live online or in-person training scenarios in several ways. First, the materials are provided up front — students choose their own pace of study and only move on to the next section after they’re sure they know the current material.

Second, at-your-own-pace training usually doesn’t include a live teacher. Instead, it relies on a series of exercises and quizzes that students are expected to take themselves. For this reason, students using this method need to feel confident enough in their ability to understand the material that they won’t have to ask for a teacher’s assistance.

Third, at-your-own-pace training does not have a fixed time limit. The student can work on the material for 10 minutes one day, two hours the next, and 45 minutes the next, and take the quizzes only after they’re sure they have fully absorbed the concepts.

Advantages of at-your-own-pace training

The advantages to at-your-own-pace cybersecurity training can be grouped into two categories: organization advantages and employee advantages. This broad swath of advantages will convince even the most indecisive traditional cybersecurity training aficionados to consider switching.

Organization advantages

Cybersecurity training, despite its essential nature, can be considered an encumbrance on organizations. It takes up organization resources that could be reinvested into the organization. Below are a few of the ways that at-your-own-pace training can (Read more...)

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Infosec Resources authored by Greg Belding. Read the original post at: