PeopleSoft CPU for April 2019- University Choices
PeopleSoft News Round-up is a monthly news overview that gives an insight into the latest PeopleSoft-related events as well as brief summaries and links to articles on PeopleSoft security.
Please, update Oracle’s CPU ASAP
ZDNet on April 17, 2019
As usual, one in three months Oracle releases its so-called critical patch update.
This set of patches slightly bigger than the January critical patch update (CPU) and addresses 297 flaws affecting Oracle’s Database Server, Fusion Middleware, Enterprise Manager, E-Business Suite, PeopleSoft, and Siebel CRM. Many of them can be remotely exploited without user credentials.
As for PeopleSoft, 12 fixes or 4% of the set refers to this product line.
Oracle is recommending customers to apply CPU fixes as soon as possible, because hackers are specifically targeting exploits in the hope companies won’t patch them.
Check out our post covering the details to learn why universities should care.
Butler students and Financial Aid Choices
PR Newswire on April 10, 2019
Butler, which is a private university in Indianapolis, integrates Oracle Student Financial Planning in order to match students with their best financial aid options.
Deploying Oracle Student Financial Planning, part of Oracle Student Cloud, the university will be able to guide students towards more responsible borrowing and course-planning that will keep them on track towards their graduation goals.
Financial aid has been a frustrating and confusing process for many students, making it difficult to find options that best meets their qualifications and needs. With Oracle Financial Planning, we are enabling progressive universities such as Butler to match students with their best financial options, giving them the resources they need to focus on reaching their academic goals.
Vivian Wong, GVP higher education development, Oracle
PeopleSoft Innovators 2019
Oracle Blog on April 7, 2019
This month, Oracle has announced the next class of PeopleSoft Innovators.The April 2019 PeopleSoft Innovators include 17 organizations. According to Vice President Rebekah Jackson, “these organizations showcase the kind of rapid change and responsiveness that is possible with today’s PeopleSoft.”
If you are using the latest capabilities in PeopleSoft to deploy new features and transform your organization, you can also submit a nomination.
Supporting options for Oracle PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.0 after 2019
Oracle Blog on April 11, 2019
If you are interested in the fate of Oracle PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.0, read the Oracle’s blog post. There, Vice president, Customer Success Geof Corb writes about the extended support for the 9.0 version, as it concludes at the end of 2019 and enters sustaining support in 2020.
The post PeopleSoft CPU for April 2019- University Choices appeared first on EdGuards – Security for Education.
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from EdGuards – Security for Education authored by edguards. Read the original post at: https://edguards.com/egnews/peoplesoft-news-round-up/peoplesoft-cpu-for-april-2019-university-choices/