Best Tools to Perform Steganography [Updated 2020]

Learn about Steganography

Explore how cryptographic hashing, stenography and other techniques are used to hide data.
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In the past few years, the term “steganography” has attracted the attention of law enforcement agencies. This technique has been used by hackers to transmit their secret message to others. Steganography was used by attackers in the 9/11 attack as well. 

If you are interested in computer security, you must know about steganography. In this article, we will cover what steganography is and the tools available for this.


Steganography is the art of hiding a secret message within a normal message. This is used to transfer some secret message to another person; with this technique, no one else in between will know the secret message you wanted to convey.

This art of hiding secret messages has been used for years in real-life communications. Since the evolution of digital communication, it has also been used in digital conversations. 

On a computer, this is achieved by replacing the unused or useless data of a regular computer file with your secret message. This secret hidden information can be a plaintext message, ciphertext or image. One can hide information in any kind of file: common choices include images, video and audio files, which can be used to hide plaintext or image messages. There are now specific tools available for this purpose.

The main reason for using steganography is that you are hiding your secret message within an ordinary file. No one will suspect the file and your secret message will go undetected. The file used to hide a message will function normally.

Secure transmission of files is often very important. Hackers are everywhere and always try to intercept communications (Read more...)

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Infosec Resources authored by Pavitra Shankdhar. Read the original post at: