What's new at Swimlane? Find out at RSA 2019

The Swimlane engineering teams have been remarkably busy and productive lately! In December 2018, Swimlane released version 4.0. In that release, we enhanced users’ ability to search for specific keywords and phrases in a record. Users can conduct searches over entire, specified workspaces and applications. We also added support for global proxy settings for integrations, as well as other assorted general user interface and performance improvements.

4.0 also saw the beta release of supporting for running Swimlane on Linux systems via Docker. This means that users can now install Swimlane on Docker containers set up on top of Linux. We welcome your feedback on this beta program as we continue to improve Swimlane.


What’s ahead?

The teams are currently working on the 4.1 release, which includes additional parity work to get our beta Linux support to match our current Windows support. We are also tackling enhancements related to how we record data and time fields, including adding a settings selection where users can specify local time zones. Overall, we are enhancing system times and date capabilities to better run and record dates and times system-wide. Another improvement we’re working on for the 4.1 release is the addition of personal access tokens as authentication mechanisms for APIs.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Swimlane (en-US) authored by Peggy Zimmerman. Read the original post at: