Cough Up The Bandwidth

Great Seal of the State of Texas House of Representatives

Great Seal of the State of Texas House of Representatives

via Kieren McCarthy, writing at El Reg, reports of a contemplated bill (H.B. 1426) before the State of Texas’ House of Representatives ostensibly making data throttling on mobile networks during a declared emergency illegal.

My two-bits is to include incarceration as a penalty, and you’ll see some fast action and/or nationalization of the offending company’s circuits for (at least) the duration of the emergency plus 45 days… (this would parallel the federalization of our nation’s railroads during wartime – last used in the 20th century, during World War II) What’ll it be there, Pard? At any rate, this is all speculation…)

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Infosecurity.US authored by Marc Handelman. Read the original post at:

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