Reddy Kilowatt Says, ‘Good Luck With That’
Image Credit: Courtesy of Busy Beaver Button Club –
via Lily Hay Newman, plying the scrvener trade for Condé Nast Inc. publication Wired, comes this superlative reportage, detailing the so-called ‘Hail Mary Plan to Restart a Hacked US Electric Grid‘. Good luck with that.
“But while the situation was manufactured, the conditions of the exercise were all too real. Researchers built their test grid off of the already isolated power grid on Plum Island, a Department of Homeland Security animal disease research facility at the tip of Long Island’s North Fork.” – via Lily Hay Newmanreporting for Wired Magazine, comes this outstanding story detailing the so-called ‘Hail Mary Plan to Restart a Hacked US Electric Grid‘
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Infosecurity.US authored by Marc Handelman. Read the original post at: