Low security visibility: Avast Business can help | Avast Business
We’ve been talking to our Small and Medium Business (SMB) customers lately about their IT Security posture. Surprisingly, a lot of folks are saying that they’re either too busy or don’t have the right tools to know whether they’re vulnerable to a cyber attack. That’s an uncomfortable position to be in, especially if you’re responsible for preventing breaches.
Our team at Avast Business thinks that great IT Security should be available to all businesses, no matter the size, so we’re offering a free security assessment to any SMB who needs better security visibility.
If you don’t have the tools or processes in place to properly evaluate your IT Security, we’ll help you with that assessment, free of charge, no strings attached.
Here’s how it works:
When you request the assessment, there will be a few questions just to gather some information we need to know in order for you to get the most out of your assessment.
After you submit the request, one of our SMB Security Consultants will schedule some time to ask you some more in-depth questions, to better understand where you feel you need the most help and/or information.
We then run an automated tool in your environment for a couple of days (with your help and approval of course) that monitors for strong and weak points across your endpoints, networks, users, and patching systems. This tool uses nearly no machine resources, and does not modify your environment in any way. All of the information collected will be used solely for the assessment and will not be shared with anyone except you.
From the conversation, and the automated assessment, we put together a report and schedule a follow-up meeting with you.
During that meeting, we’ll point out areas within your IT Security stack where you’re doing really well. It’s always nice to hear about the good stuff, right?
We’ll also discuss areas where you might be vulnerable to attack, and we’ll be as specific as possible during that part of the discussion.
- We will then give you some recommendations on things you could do to improve your company’s security posture.
In the confusing world of IT Security, Avast Business wants to cut through the noise and actually give you some useful information about your own environment. We feel it’s high time somebody did something for SMBs about this visibility problem, and that somebody is us.
Give it a try today:
Image in article: JC Gellidon Header image: Markus Spiske
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Blog | Avast EN authored by Avast Blog. Read the original post at: https://blog.avast.com/free-security-assessment-avast-business