How the Blockchain Is Helping Secure IoT Technology
For those reading this who were cognizant of such topics as the Internet of Things (IoT) and security architecture back in 2016, you may have had some passing knowledge of the Mirai botnet attacks that showed us all just how risky the present client-server model of IoT can be. At issue is the reality that the vast majority of these kinds of networks rely on a central authority to manage devices, which, as the world becomes more aware of the capabilities of blockchain security, makes the centralized model seem as antiquated as a quill pen and papyrus.
Present Security Architecture Shortcomings
As most IoT networks are currently configured, data isn’t be considered trustworthy until it is vetted and allowed to pass through a single controlling security “gate.” As we saw with the Mirai incidents, a botnet barrage can focus efforts on compromising this lone point through a Distributed Denial of Service (DDNS) attack. Once through the centralized security “gate,” a hacker can access the resources of the entire IoT network. For those familiar with blockchain technology (which we’ll discuss in more detail in relation to the IoT shortly), the disadvantages of the present centralized security approach are obvious, especially when compared to the more secure distributed model found in blockchain technology.
How Overwhelmed Centralized Servers Could Wreck Your Life
It’s one thing to prattle on about the “disadvantages” of centralized server control on the IoT. It’s another, however, to bring into focus exactly what it could mean in your life or the business life of corporations everywhere. Let’s get more precise.
Online security: Through something as ubiquitous as a coffee maker (or any of dozens of other devices) attached to a home network, a hacker could enter the system and gain access to ALL the information on ANY network (Read more...)
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from The State of Security authored by Tripwire Guest Authors. Read the original post at: