CGEIT: Overview Of Domains
In today’s business world, the IT department is not just simply viewed as meeting the computer, network, and data needs of the corporation. It is also viewed as a critical function in which to meet the business objectives as well. This is also known as “IT Governance”. It can be specifically defined as follows:
“Information technology governance (IT governance) is the collective tools, processes and methodologies that enable an organization to align business strategy and goals with IT services, infrastructure or the environment . . . it also optimizes IT in such a way that it supports, complements or enables an organization to achieve its goals and objectives”
(SOURCE: https://www.techopedia.com/definition/19641/information-technology-governance-it-governance).
As one can see from the definition, the main objective is to make sure that the IT goals and objectives are in line with the business ones as well. Obviously, this is not an easy task to accomplish, and it takes a great skill set in order to bring all of this together, and thus is high in demand. Because of this, there is a specific cert for this known as the “Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT”, or “CGEIT”.
The CGEIT is currently offered by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association, also known as the ISACA. The following are the typical job titles for which the CGEIT is geared for:
- IS/IT Directors
- IS/IT Consultants
- IS/IT Executives
- IS/IT Managers
- IT Governance Managers
Specifically, the individuals with these job titles must “. . . play a significant role in managing, advising and/or assuring IT governance.” (SOURCE: http://www.tomsitpro.com/articles/it-governance-certifications,2-646-3.html).
In fact, one must have at least five years of related work experience. One year must be spent at directly managing the frameworks that make up the enterprise IT governance from within a business (Read more...)
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from InfoSec Resources authored by Ravi Das (writer/revisions editor). Read the original post at: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/infosecResources/~3/oPzHFC_LlO8/