The RSA Conference 2018 Keynote Line-Up
Each year, we look forward to rounding out and finalizing our keynote line-up which usually happens about a month before RSA Conference and we’re excited to announce this year’s program which will bring forward-thinking, actionable and life-affirming stories to the keynote stage. The topics our speakers will explore range from how artificial intelligence can help or hurt humanity, preparing for the five most dangerous attack techniques, and how women and people of color have lead technological innovation while pursuing the American Dream. Each of our keynotes have this in common: their topics are true to our 2018 RSA Conference theme, Now Matters, and all our speakers are esteemed experts.
We’ve been working from the beginning to bring unique backgrounds and perspectives to the main stage, and are thrilled to deliver on that mission. Whether business leaders, technologists, scientists, best-selling authors, activists, futurists or policy makers, our keynote speakers are at the top of their fields and have experience commanding a stage in front of thousands of people. And, they will be doing just that on subjects that are sure to leave a lasting impression on our attendees while inspiring them to think differently about security and the world around them.
Interested in the latest trends in cyber security? Inspired by innovation in gaming and artificial intelligence? Worried about the increase in cyber bullying and unsure how to impact change? Tired of procrastinating and getting in your own way? We’ve got it all at RSA Conference and can’t wait to see you there!
Here’s a quick overview of the guest speakers and sessions attendees will see on the main stage:
- Security guru and RSA Conference Program Committee Chair, Dr. Hugh Thompson will bring together experts Dr. Dawn Song (professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, UC Berkeley), Dr. Kate Darling (Mistress of Machines. Human-Robot Interaction, Robot Ethics, IP Theory and Policy , MIT Media Lab) and Dr. Sebastian Thrun (founder and president, Udacity) to explore the many layers of artificial intelligence, and its application and potential to help—or hurt—humanity.
- Panelists from The SANS Institute, Ed Skoudis (top hacker exploits expert/teacher in the U.S.), Johannes Ullrich (head of the Internet Storm Center), James Lyne (top expert on cyberattacks in the U.K.) and moderator Alan Paller (director and founder of SANS Institute) will provide an update on the mostdangerous new attack techniques, how they work, how they can be stopped and how to prepare for what’s coming next.
- The Honorable Kirstjen Nielsen, Secretary, United States Department of Homeland Security will sit down for a Q&A session with CNBC’s Deirdre Bosa.
- Reshma Saujani, founder and CEO of Girls Who Code, a national non-profit organization working to close the gender gap in technology. Saujani has been named one of Fortune’s World’s Greatest Leaders, Fortune’s 40 Under 40, and a WSJ Magazine Innovator of the Year.
- Jane McGonigal, PhD, Director of Games Research & Development at the Institute for the Future, New York Times bestselling author and world-renowned designer of games.
- Margot Lee Shetterly, writer, researcher, and entrepreneur who authored Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race.
- Monica Lewinsky, public speaker, writer, contributing editor to Vanity Fair magazine, a founding board member of the Childhood Resilience Foundation and social activist in the battle against online harassment—advocating for a safer social media environment.
- Panelists Adi Shamir (Borman Professor of Computer Science and The Weizmann Institute, Israel), Ronald Rivest (MIT Institute Professor), Moxie Marlinspike (Founder of Signal), Paul Kocher (Security Researcher and Consultant) and Whitfield Diffie (Cryptographer and Security Expert, Cryptomathic) talk with Zulfikar Ramzan, CTO of RSA, on the past, present and future of information security.
- Tim Urban, Creator of Wait But Why, will share his own story of coming to understand how his own mind works with head-spinning thinking, quirky graphics and his signature stick figures representing the major “players” in his head that battled over the steering wheel, and how it relates to us all.
Additional keynotes include the following executives from our sponsor organizations:
- Andy Ellis, Chief Security Officer, and Josh Shaul, Vice President, Web Security, Akamai
- Rohit Ghai, President, RSA
- Samir Kapuria, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Cyber Security Services, Symantec
- Rami Rahim, Chief Executive Officer, Juniper
- Brad Smith, President, Microsoft
- John N. Stewart, Senior Vice President, Chief Security and Trust Officer, Cisco
- Christopher D. Young, Chief Executive Officer, McAfee
- Marc van Zadelhoff, General Manager, IBM Security
For all the details on our amazing keynotes and RSA Conference 2018, visit our website.
Sandra Toms
VP and Curator, RSA Conference
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from RSAConference Blogs RSS Feed authored by Sandra Toms. Read the original post at: http://www.rsaconference.com/blogs/the-rsa-conference-2018-keynote-line-up