Monthly Blog Round-Up – October 2016
Here is my next monthly “Security Warrior” blog round-up of top 5 popular posts/topics this month:
- “New SIEM Whitepaper on Use Cases In-Depth OUT!” (dated 2010) presents a whitepaper on select SIEM use cases described in depth with rules and reports [using now-defunct SIEM product]; also see this SIEM use case in depth and this for a more current list of popular SIEM use cases. Finally, see our 2016 research on security monitoring use cases here!
- “Why No Open Source SIEM, EVER?” contains some of my SIEM thinking from 2009. Is it relevant now? You be the judge. Succeeding with SIEM requires a lot of work, whether you paid for the software, or not. BTW, this post has an amazing “staying power” that is hard to explain – I suspect it has to do with people wanting “free stuff” and googling for “open source SIEM” …
- “Simple Log Review Checklist Released!” is often at the top of this list – this aging checklist is still a very useful tool for many people. “On Free Log Management Tools” is a companion to the checklist (updated version)
- “SIEM Resourcing or How Much the Friggin’ Thing Would REALLY Cost Me?” is a quick framework for assessing the costs of a SIEM project (well, a program, really) at an organization (much more details on this here in this paper).
- My classic PCI DSS Log Review series is always popular! The series of 18 posts cover a comprehensive log review approach (OK for PCI DSS 3+ as well), useful for building log review processes and procedures, whether regulatory or not. It is also described in more detail in our Log Management book and mentioned in our PCI book (now in its 4th edition!)
In addition, I’d like to draw your attention to a few recent posts from my Gartner blog [which, BTW, now has about 5X of the traffic of this blog]:
Upcoming research on security analytics:
Currect research on deception:
Recent research on SOC:
Miscellaneous fun posts:
- Threats Inside vs Insider Threat
- Can I Detect Advanced Threats With Just Flows/IPFIX?
- No, Virginia, It Does NOT Mean That! (detection vs prevention)
- Jumping Security Maturity FAIL!
- Security: Automate And/Or Die?
- Defeat The Casual Attacker First!!
- On “Defender’s Advantage”
(see all my published Gartner research here)
Also see my past monthly and annual “Top Popular Blog Posts” – 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015.
Disclaimer: most content at SecurityWarrior blog was written before I joined Gartner on Aug 1, 2011 and is solely my personal view at the time of writing. For my current security blogging, go here.
Previous post in this endless series:
- Monthly Blog Round-Up – September 2016
- All posts tagged monthly
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Dr Anton Chuvakin Blog PERSONAL Blog authored by Anton Chuvakin. Read the original post at: http://chuvakin.blogspot.com/2016/11/monthly-blog-round-up-october-2016.html