Taking out the Eurotrash
Regular listeners are probably already aware by now, that the Eurotrash is no more! As with all good things, there had to be an end, and with the last Christmas episode, we got the old crew back together for one last go around! We’d like to say that we’re throwing in the towel because our efforts to solve world hunger and push the middle east peace process through is taking up most of our time, but if I did I’d only be telling half the truth.
A While ago the crew decided that we weren’t having enough time to record and edit the way we wanted to… as you can see, the number of episodes in 2014 was down on the previous years, because of lack of time and so many other projects. So, something had to give. We hope you’ve had a fun journey with us over the years, and it’s been a pleasure to do.
So, thank you Ben, Craig, Dale, Wim… thank you to the guests over the years for putting up with our silly questions… and most of all, thank YOU the listeners for making us want to do this thing again and again until our hands bled from the editing, and our families were starving on the streets*
So, this Christmas time, don’t cry for us! Light a candle (or a cigarette), and raise a glass (or a bottle of vodka) to the Eurotrash Security Podcast… gone but not forgotten! Episode 50: The Final One… evar
“Doesn’t Ben look hawt in his new work outfit!”
Note: Past episodes will remain available on http://eurotrashsecurity.eu until such time as Craig gets so drunk that he forgets to renew the domain… or he pawns it to buy cheap aftershave! So probably a few months at least
* Not actually starving
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Cатсн²² (in)sесuяitу / ChrisJohnRiley authored by ChrisJohnRiley. Read the original post at: https://blog.c22.cc/2014/12/23/taking-out-the-eurotrash/